Taylor’s visit home was amazing. He was mobbed by fans everywhere. He was on several radio programs, local TV programs, there was a big parade, but the biggest moment was the concert at the Galleria mall. 12,000 screaming fans packed the mall to see Taylor. 12,000!! He made a movie star entrance, by coming down a glass elevator. The crowed went NUTS when they saw him in the elevator!!

People were passing out, leaving on stretchers…He sees fans shake and cry…Taylor put on a great show at The Galleria and really worked the crowd. It was amazing. And you could tell Taylor was amazed by the crowd. He thanks the Soul Patrol over and over for all they have done for him.

I enjoyed that show at The Galleria very much when I watched it on the internet. I loved seeing his old band. I loved hearing and seeing The REAL Taylor, the off American Idol Taylor. Very cool! The other performance from that day that I enjoyed was the one on the roof at the local TV station. Taylor did a version of "Jailhouse Rock," Taylor style, that just makes me smile!
I, and the rest of the Soul Patrol who were not in Alabama, watched every single appearance Taylor made that day on the internet. It was like we were all there. We followed him everywhere in real time.
By the end of the day, Taylor looked exhausted.
It is at this point in the story that things get a little foggy for me. It is much more difficult for me to details of this point in the season.
Events are speeding along, and Taylor is wowing us with great song after great song every Tuesday. There is no more rollercoaster ride, no more "Just Once" performances, and we know we won’t be seeing that again. There isn’t even a worry.
We all KNOW we are on a speeding train heading straight to the finale. Taylor has the audience figured out and America eating out of his hand. He knows what we want and what works for him and for us. We just sit back and enjoy the ride. And it is a GREAT ride.
My obsession has become out of hand. I am on the internet WAY too many hours listening to Taylor and reading Taylor message boards. I talk about him and the show ALL the time. I am out of my mind, I know it, and I don’t really care. I am HAPPY. So very, very happy. This is FUN. Really, really fun.
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