I can hardly remember most of the show. It is all just a blur. It was two hours long.I remember not being worried at all about the outcome. I knew Taylor had won.
I remember Taylor singing a duet of "In the Ghetto" with some famous female singer who didn’t sound good that night… I remember the performance with all the guys, where Taylor finally got to play his harmonica and the crowd going wild. I felt happy for him. Great moment. It was another symbol of his triumph.
I remember a former contestant, Bucky, singing "Raindrops Are Fallin’ On My Head" and thinking, "Wow! That was good!"
I remember the audience at the Kodak……they were ELECTRIFIED!!! You could SEE the energy on TV!
I remember Prince. He put on a fantastic performance. Awesome!!! WOW!! I love that guy!
And I remember the announcement.
Ryan announced that Taylor Hicks was our next American Idol and Taylor threw his arms out and his head back and let out a huge "Woooooooooooooooooooo!" and then he hugged Kat…and then he held up Kat’s hand and pointed to her to acknowledge her. Then he doubled over and covered his eyes…Then Ryan asked if there was anything Taylor wanted to say to his fans. Without hesitation, Taylor threw open his arms and yelled from the bottom of his soul, "SOUL PA-TROL!!!!! SOUL PA-TROL!!!!!!"

And we all knew it meant, "Thank you, thank you, so much!" And we all said, in our homes, to Taylor on the TV, "You’re welcome, Taylor! We hope you like it! We love you!"And in our hearts, we all rushed to hug him.
And then he had to sing his cheese song. And when he got to the line, "THIS is what we dream about…" he broke into an amazing smile that let us know he really meant it. The fireworks went off, the confetti fell, the credits rolled……and it was over.
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